The lovely Lisa selected me for Featured Blogger of the Week on the Twenty Something Bloggers site! Thanks for the nomination! In case there are any new readers stopping by (hi!) and since 2007 is approaching its end (thank goodness) I decided to do a [sort of] year end review.
I started blogging back in February of this year and to be blunt - my posts sucked. I didn't really understand what blogging was all about or what people would actually want to read. They were a jumbled mess of ideas, stresses, and hour by hour accounts of my day.
I found the BlogHer site over the summer and began reading blogs by other twenty-somethings that were really interesting. I figured out that your posts have to have a point. One cohesive idea that brings it all together. The first few posts I wrote after that I was actually proud of (Going Up? and Spawn of Satan). From there ideas came easy. Not every day of course, sometimes I had bloggers' block, but for the most part I was catching on. I have always loved writing and I finally was beginning to feel my style breaking free.
Then my life took a nosedive in October. But the support I received from my blogging friends was AMAZING! I never expected anything like that in a million years. I was bombarded with emails, phone calls and care packages every day. A smile was back on my face after days of tears. It was the best feeling in the world.
I was finally able to move on after a night of pure craziness, that's the way it works right? And I moved into my new condo that same weekend.
Thrown back into the dating world, I decided to make the best of it. My first attempt was a let down. I never thought I'd have to tell someone "I'm just not that into you", but I suppose it's inevitable. Then there's FF, the guy who swept me off my feet so to speak. It's always the unattainable ones that make your heart flutter isn't it? He still has me by a few [very thin] strings, but I'm onto him and his Delete Radar capabilities.
Then there's GQ. The one that makes me feel 15 again. He's still in the picture too. We'll see where it all goes. Isn't my dating life so exciting? Ha. Trust me... "the grass is always greener." I'd love to be married like some of you, and have a guaranteed snuggle buddy to spoon with every night. If you only knew.
My last adventure was the best of all. I set foot on a plane for the very first time in my life! I flew cross country to California and met my fabulous IBFF (internet best friend forever) Sarah. We had some crazy times and I am so glad I took the trip. I needed to get away from it all and hell- I deserved it after all the crap I'd been through with The Ex!
Overall, 2007 was a rough year for me BUT I began this blog which led me to all of you, so it can't be all bad right? Let's stay friends, ok?
Here's to a better, more fabulous 2008! Meeting new bloggers, finding the man of my dreams and living happily ever after! What do you say?
p.s. New Year's Resolutions to come next week :)
Friday, December 28, 2007
A Shameless Plug
Posted by
Michelle and the City
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You DID deserve your amazing trip and I hope that all of 2008 is just as wonderful for you, because you totally do deserve it! Yay for amazing bloggy friends.
What a year you had! Here's to an amazing 2008 :)
I'm glad I met you, too! (Even though I'm nowhere near qualifying for the 20-something blogger category, because I'm *old*.) HA.
I hope your 2008 is fabulous!!
Though the year was rough for you, you're ending it on a high note. With endless possibilities ahead for 2008!
As Shakespeare said - All's well that ends well.
"Here's to a better, more fabulous 2008! Meeting new bloggers, finding the man of my dreams and living happily ever after! What do you say?"
I say, here here! Cheers! (If the man of your dreams has a brother, send him my way... please!)
Woo hoo congrats!! I saw you were the featured blogger, and you deserve it because you rule!! :)
There is a silver lining in everything. If it wasn't for the bad times, how could you appreciate the good ones. Even though I have only recently started reading your blog, it seems to me 2007 was a year of growth and new experiences for you. Not necessarily bad, in my eyes. Clearly, you're coming out a better, stronger person on the other side.
haha first of all, CONGRATS! and second, i like where your heads at for 2008. I like the idea of a new year and all the good that can come along with it. A nice fresh start :)
yeah for you! let's have a great 2008n together, starting with my trip to ohio. soon.
Happy New Year Michelle! I'm so happy that you've turned everything around, and like my last comment, you are my inspiration. You deserve only wonderful things! Happy 2008!
I saw that you got the award...lucky.
I <3 you and your amazing strength b/c you've had the year from hell and managed to come out of it on top with class.
Congrats on the award! You deserve it. I love you and your blog and your overall awesomeness.
Congrats!! I've really enjoyed reading your blog and often find myself saying, "me too!!" Here's to an amazing 2008 :)
Congrats! You made it through a tough year and were all sorts of classy and hilarious along the way. I'm very glad I found you!
Blog posts are supposed to have a point? Huh. Can't say I really follow that one - lol.
I have a feeling 2008 will trump 2007 hands down.
Non related - can I just say that every time I look at your header I smile. I love it.
love the recap! i'm glad you've found such a great community here. i've yet to really break into it, but i know it will happen eventually.
cheers to 2008 being a much better year!
I'm so glad I randomly found your blog this year, you're one of my favourites. :)
Congratulations on the nomination, adn I just know you're going to have a fantastic 2008!
Okay so I had to look back at your first posts to see if they were really as bad as you say they were. And WOW they really have come a LONG way! I always know you're supposed to write on ONE topic because that's what readers truly want to read but I have such a hard time doing it when so much is going on in my life and I just want to spill it all at once. How do you stay so consistent with one subject posts?! Plus, you are a really good writer. : ) Just sayin'.
I love you Michelle! You're great and I'm glad you've come so far. Here's to a wonderful 2008 blogging foreva. Cheers!
Amen, sista! ;)
Michelle, I am totally developing the biggest blog crush on you ever! Your posts always give me goosebumps! I'm looking forward to 2008, too. To changes. To successes. I wish it all for you too!
2008 is going to be soooooo much better than 2007. I can just feel it :-)
Congrats! Next year is going to be fabulous for you, I can feel it!
Kudos! I love reading about the evolution of a blog!
Congrats on the nomination!! Have a superb 2008!!!!!! xox
Hey! i noticed you were selected on 20SB!
You know, as a new blogger (only been at it less than two months) I feel the same way about my posts. I don't think there is any cohesiveness or point... but I'm slowly finding my way. I love reading about how you felt about your beginnings... gives me hope that I can be a good blogger. Happy New Year!
what a cool review. yay for being blogger of the week - that rocks!
Congrats on the award. Hope next year is excellent for you!
congrats on being chosen as blogger of the week! here's to a great 2008!
I've been reading you since what, June? July maybe? Since the summer. It's weird because I feel like a)I know you, and b) that I've known you for much longer than that.
It's also funny to go back and read my archives. No WONDER nobody read me before... my posts were TERRIBLE! It's great to watch ourselves grow, hey?
What a CRAZY year, Michelle! I'm glad you managed to survive :)
Congrats on being blogger of the week!
- steph
What a great retrospective. Thanks, it fills in a lot of gaps.
i'd say you've honed the art of blogging...
happy new year!!
congratulatons on the honour. I've enjoyed reading you too :-)
I am so glad 08 is looking great! Trust me, your dating life keeps me sane (even though I do have the best schnuggling buddies in the whole world! 1. Hubs, 2. Brady in the belly!) Have a fab New Year!
You will find it all! And why not in 2008? You have had quite the year and I think that's awesome. I heart you!!!
Cheers to 2008! It's gonna be a good one!
This is a very sweet post.
And don't be too hard on yourself- I've enjoyed reading your blog from the very beginning!
Happy almost New Year!
Yay, to being the featured blogger of the week on the Twenty Something Bloggers site!
I think my blog sucked something awful when I first started it back in March of this year. My boyfriend had just broken up with me, so it was basically me venting about him and how he treated me. Blah, blah, blah. I don't think I really started writing blog worthy material until October. Then, I realized my writing had to have a point to keep people interested
By the way, I enjoy reading yours. :-)
Congrats on being The Featured Blogger of the Week!
I've always enjoyed reading your blog. :)
Congrats on being featured! (:
I've loved reading your blog and I can't wait to read more!
You had a big year and to think you only started blogging this year! I began blogging this yeat as well and it has been a ride of sorts! You went through a lot this and look how much stronger you are for having done so - you are simply amazing and I am so proud of you - Here's to '08!
Congrats Michelle! You are fabulous and I love your blog. You already know this though!
Bring it, 2008!
Hey...I found your blog from Twenty Something Bloggers. I saw that you went through a break up not that long ago. Unfortunately I'm going through the samething right now. I hope you are doing better!
Totally deserved. I nominated you (among many others, I'm sure). :)
I'm so glad you got the blog of the week, I love your blog!
And you definitely deserve a fabulous 2008! :)
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