I know a few of you have caught on to my [maybe not so] subtle hints and it's only fair to dish (a little).
Since the breakup I have managed to bring my confidence level back up to where it should be. Probably higher than it's ever been. I'm not trying to be cocky in saying that, it's just that my entire life I have never had high self esteem. No one I have dated has made me feel confident about myself. In fact, most of the time I felt insecure. Afraid they were going to leave me. When I was thrown back out into the dating world I was pretty damn nervous. Let's just say it didn't take long for my self esteem to be restored.
At first there was FF. A fling. And a fun one at that. But he just doesn't get it. A girl needs to feel wanted. Pursued. Randomly texting about sports teams, the 10 point buck you shot over the weekend, or what movie you're currently watching is not going to win her affection. She may answer the phone on her lunch hour when you call (because yes it was that much fun), BUT that does not mean the next time you text she will respond. Maybe try calling again. Maybe she'll answer. As stated in yesterday's post, there will be no stringing along.
Then there was the guy I just wasn't into. Now he did everything I've ever wanted a guy to do. Walking me out to my car, kissing me, asking when he could see me again. Following up the next day with a text restating what a good time he had. Calling. Just to talk. But there was no spark for me. No butterflies. Dammit I wish there would have been. He was a cute one.
And if you haven't guessed already, there is someone new. Another C in fact (Actually now that I think of it, all the guys I've dated have been C's. How weird is that?). We went out again last night. And guys there are butterflies! I want to keep this private for the time being, but here a few key points:
-he's gorgeous
-he laughs at my jokes
-he doesn't mind that I hate beer
-we talked for four hours on our first date and he still wanted a second one
-he's a gentleman
-he let me pick the movie
-he complimented my outfit
-he listens to me, and then brings up things I've said in later conversations
-did i mention he's gorgeous?
I'm optimistic, but guarded. I'm not going to rush into anything, but I sure have been in a good mood as of late. I'm hoping for fireworks. Stay tuned.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Post That Has Been Avoided For Far Too Long
Posted by
Michelle and the City
Labels: daily, FF, GQ, i'm single therefore i date
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He sounds AMAZING. I got all tingly! Hahaha. Big surprise there. ANYWAY. Tell us more! More!
I was wondering when we were going to hear this one!
Hooray! Will keep my fingers crossed.
I'm crossing my fingers for you girl. I'm almost giddy hoping it works out!
Yay! He sounds amazing. Can't wait to hear more :) :)
Ooooooooh! Sounds promising!!! :)
Talking for four hours and wanting more is always a good sign :)
Oh, and the card your dad sent you the other day? SOOO sweet. It almost made me teary it was so sweet! What a nice dad!
Wow, you've been busy! I'm happy for you, Michelle.
That is so great!!!
I'm glad you have been out strutting your hot self!
I'm so excited for you he sound perfect.... Becareful!
Gretta x
And my question is...did you make out during the movie that you picked?
The butterflies are the best. Good luck on this one!
Good for you! FF sounds like a JustinBobby.
Yea! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :)
Good for you! I'm glad you're getting back out there and dating. Even more glad that you are confident. That is one of the best and hardest things to accomplish! Good luck with C2!
Yay fun! Beginnings of relationships are awesome, so much potential. Enjoy! You deserve it. :)
He sounds like a great guy, and yay for sparks and butterflies! I'm glad you have such a good perspective on it. And also that he doesn't mind that you hate beer. I hate beer too, and Torsten doesn't mind at all, even though he's German and therefore passionate about beer. That's part of how I knew he was a keeper.
Yay! Go and get 'em!
Look at you jumping back on that horse! Woo-hoO!
congrats on the prefect first date!!!
too funny that you always date c's...for a while I only dated drummers, it was odd.
Ohh, I love the New C already! We approve.
Details when you can, please!
Yay! I'm so happy for you. Butterflies are the best!
yay! good luck!
I hate beer too at it annoys so many guys. When they happens, I say things like "I bet I could fix your car next time it breaks" (not true, but nobody ever questions), or "I bet I could beat you one on one at almost any sport". And then they're like "I don't have a crush on this girl- she's such my friend!". Because of course every guy I like thinks of me as their best friend, and every guy I don't like, well, see todays post.
But seriously girl. The last time I kissed anybody was a good 6 months ago. And since your break up you've met 3 guys? HOW DO YOU DO THIS?
YAY that is so exciting!! I am so proud of you for getting back out there and feeling better about yourself, because you are amazing. And I also hate beer and no one else seems to understand why, so I think this means we were destined to meet, haha.
He sounds like a good specimen, I approve.
But seriously, tell us MORE! Where did you meet? What does he do? Where did you go on your date?
Congrats! he sounds great. :)
YAY For Gorgeous, nice guys! I happened to have married one, and I say, they are the best. No pressure though ;-)
Awww...sounds like a winner! Enjoy him and have fun!
All guys (literally, ALL guys) that I've 'dated' or had serious relationships with have had 6 or 7 letters in their last name. Conspiracy theory?
I'm glad you've got your self-esteem up! This happened to me after my last break up... took about a month, but then I was on this insane mountain of, "Who WOULDN'T want to date me?!" and it spread to all facets of my life.
I'm happy for you!
Woohoo! I am so excited for you - sounds like a very good thing is in the works - you deserve every single thing you listed and more :) I am glad to hear your self esteem is where it is - YOU RICK!
I am SO staying tuned for the fireworks.
However, I think you're going to have to call him something other than C (maybe a last name initial?), because of all of the bloggie confusion, haha.
Am sooo excited for you!
I know you said he laughs at your jokes. But does he make you laugh?
Also, he listens to you? Hold onto this one. He seem perfect. :)
yay for cute/nice guys who help us get over the buttheads of the past
yay! i love boys...
Those butterflies are sure worth waiting for, and, hanging on to. Can't wait to hear more!
Oooo...that sounds great! Enjoy :) Good things happen when you're strong enough to know that a lifetime of phone calls about hunting and sports just ain't gonna cut it!
Good for you! For the new guy, but mostly for the self-esteem. THAT bugger is elusive. Hope your gorgeous new guy works out. I mean the relationship, whether or not he works out at a gym or something is no concern of mine.
I try to think of guy names that begin with C, and I can come up only with Charlie.
And yea, the word Cunt keeps popping up in my head every now and then. I'm perverted :-p
Exciting stuff! And I'm glad you're feeling confident about yourself--what a great outcome from all of this crud :)
Can't wait to hear more when you're ready to spill!
Does he have a brother? That lives in Texas? Ha! Just kidding.
Go for it girl!
I'm hoping you get fireworks too!
you know my thoughts. so for now, a barbie "squuueee!!!" will do. :)
xo, bb
I mind that you don't like beer, but your blog is entertaining, so I'm optimistic about our relationship :-)
Yay! Good for you. Guard your heart, but don't shy away from opportunity! I'm happy for you.
Oh yay! Butterflies and fireworks are always fun. And staying optimistic is always good too, good luck!
Good luck! Maybe this will be THE C to end all C's. Just keep us updated. I'm living vicariously here :)
I'm happy for you Michelle, and can't wait to hear updates. xo
Can you tell me where/how you meet these fellas? I haven't even had a nightmare date since August!
i'm so jealous!! haha. but i'm really excited for you! i love the beginning of good relationships!
go michelle! go michelle! it's your birthday! :)
He sounds sweet!!! can't wait to hear more!! :)
Yay!! I'm so happy for you Michelle! You deserve it!
I think I need to read your "currently reading". Seriously.
i hate you!!
not really but you know what i mean. i'm always happy for you :)
but seriously, still jealous.
Oooh!!! How exciting!!! I'm SO happy that you're happy!!!
Good luck with everything! :)
Yay!!!!!! That's so exciting! and yeah- people need to use the phone more- i'm not a big texter
he's lucky he snapped up a catch like you hott stuff!!! fingers and toes crossed for you on this one!
how did you meet a good one?! email me deets pleaseandthankskbai!
Yeah, so I know his nickname...
The Model...
because well. you know.
Rock on girly! WOOHOO!!
Um yeah... he sounds PERFECT!!!
He listens AND brings up things you've said in later conversations?! KEEP HIM.
girl you have been BUSY since your breakup. And it hasn't even been that long! You go girl!
Also, when you can, I'd like to hear how you meet these guys. I think that's the hardest thing for single women - knowing where to meet guys.
girl you have been BUSY since your breakup. And it hasn't even been that long! You go girl!
Also, when you can, I'd like to hear how you meet these guys. I think that's the hardest thing for single women - knowing where to meet guys.
YAY so happy for you!! enjoy the ride, this is the best part :) And have fun in Cali!!
Awww! That is awesome! Can't wait to hear more =)
yay!! he sounds like a good one....we need to see pics!!
sounds like a good one! hey take your time, enjoy it and let it happen. what will be will be! keeping fingers crossed for you! seeya hugya *G*
I'm so happy for you!
Squee! Butterflies are the best!
I have to sneak this at work now:)
I'm so happy things are going well for you!!!
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