Part One if you missed it.
And I apologize for the length of this post in advance. Normally, I keep them a reasonable length, but I didn't want to forget anything about my trip!
Where did we leave off? Oh yes, we were watching European condom commercials. YouTube videos weren't all we squeezed into our Saturday night. I had been told about this place called The Goat on several occasions. That night I got to check it out in person and holy shit did we have a fabulous time. Sarah, Swaaaan and I met up with a few of their friends to get our drink on. Normally I'm a cranberry vodka kind of girl. No beer for me. Liquor is my friend. But Sarah and Swaaaan swear by the bar's pear cider, so I gave up my usual to try something new. Yeah so worth it.
We moved to the smoking area because "we only smoke when we drink, we only drink now and then, now and then when we're tired of being let down by men." It was pretty hilarious because California has the no smoking in public places law, same as Ohio. However this part of the bar was basically still joined to the rest of the place but covered by a porch like contraption (therefore it was technically "outside" - way to find loop holes). And this contraption leaked. All over our booth. Literally a stream of water started running like a river onto our table. So much for finishing that cigarette...
We spent the night chatting. Talking with the girls about love, heartbreak, hott "midwestern" boys that were playing shuffleboard, stalkers, random text messages, boys that can't make up their minds, and then laughing about how hypocritical I was considering I'm "dating" two guys at the same time and can't make up my own mind (well at least they have the same name right?). Talking with the guys about wrestling, politics, space, and that "really guys don't only talk sports - we swear".
I managed to not spend a single dime the entire night. Not that plenty of alcohol wasn't consumed. Trays of shots were making their way over to us far too often. Pitchers of pear cider were drained. Photos were taken with my camera that I don't remember. Ladies and gentlemen, we were hammered*.
Two o'clock rolled around and we were stalling at the bar. Swaaaan was "catching up" with an old friend and we weren't quite ready to leave. After obscenities were shouted into the loudspeaker we decided it was time to go. On our way out I was stopped by a guy I had seen earlier in the night. One that tried to pick me up, but thankfully R & P had managed to get me out of the situation. This time he approached me and put his hat on my head and then his sunglasses. Alright, so we may have taken a picture for proof of what this p-i-m-p made me wear. I looked thrilled right?
On the way to the car, Sarah managed to score us a cigarette. As I'm smoking, Swaaaan finds it appropriate to tackle me from behind to get the cancer stick away from me. Not because she was concerned for my health. No, she wanted it all to herself. This led to an all-out girl brawl in the middle of the parking lot. Arms flailing, laughter and butt smacking (my butt not hers).
The night ended with Sarah's roommate making us all mac & cheese, watching Eddie Izzard and drinking wine. Fun doesn't even begin to cover it.
Slightly hungover + incredibly starving = greasy food from Ihop. And what a meal it was. I'm drooling just looking at the picture.
Over the course of the weekend I had become obsessed with palm trees. How many different kinds there were, how gorgeous some of them were, I even missed cute guys Sarah would point out as we were driving because I was oogling at them. So when we walked out of Ihop it was only natural that I was itching for a photo shoot with my new obsession.
Hollywood Boulevard was the next stop on the tour of California. We hadn't done much sightseeing, so I decided this was the one place I had to see before I left. Walking up and down the street I was busy observing. So many people were milling around, the movie premier of P.S. I Love You was taking place that day so there was a lot going on. Several costumed characters made appearances including the Cat and the Hat, the oldest Cinderella I have ever seen, Snoopy and more. Spongebob Squarepants was there as well and decided to hit on me even though tons of kids were around. Is it bad that I considered running away with him? I mean Spongebob is so damn cute.
My plane left at 6 so our last stop was to grab a bite to eat. I was told that I had to have an In and Out burger. For fast food it was pretty damn good. But what's up with the employees wearing diaper pins on their butts? I tried to get a picture, but didn't want to offend anyone.
I was definitely sad to leave California and head back to the chilling Columbus weather. I'm thinking Sarah didn't want me to leave either because we got lost on the way to the airport and I made it with only 1/2 an hour to spare before I had to catch my flight. We hugged goodbye and I dashed (literally) to my gate. The return flight wasn't too bad. I managed to catch a lot of z's. However, a certain passenger was keeping me from my slumber at the beginning of the flight.
On Skybus you are able to choose your seats (it's first come first serve seating), so when I scored a window seat in an empty aisle I was excited. But then someone took the aisle seat in my row. I look over and he's rather attractive, so I decide it's OK. He asks if I'm from Columbus or California. I told him Columbus. He's a student at OSU, so we proceeded with chitchatting about local bars, sites, etc. When we landed he asked to be my Facebook friend. I had to laugh, because what a world we live in now. Instead of exchanging numbers it's here's my name, find me on the internet. I haven't decided if I will yet or not. He's 22 but in boy years that's about 12.
After a rough landing due to fog I was SO ready to get off the plane. I turned on my phone and was greeted with 2 texts and a voicemail from FF wanting to get together. Our "relationship" has been so casual I hadn't even told him I was in California. Let's just say I cashed in my raincheck last night. Which could be the reason for my delayed post (sorry Swaaaan).
I LOVE California and can't wait to go back! I'll leave you with some more palm tree pictures. And how cool is it that there was a Michelle street?!
*DISCLAIMER: Michelle is normally not a smoking, boy-crazy lush. She was on vacation!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The OC Experience :: Part Two
Posted by
Michelle and the City
Labels: a picture's worth 1000 words, daily, friends 'n' family, ibff, travel
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SO jealous!!! i want to be in california NOW! looks like you had a blast, so good to see you smiling :)
want that green coat!
I love In and Out burgers. Glad you had a blast!
what does "cash in my raincheck" mean, exactly? Sounds juicy ;-)
I'm glad you made the most out of your vacation experience. And I love the green coat!
You are ENTITLED to live it up! No apologies or disclaimers necessary. And look at you - with all the male attention! I'd say this is because 1) you're hott! and 2) you're oozing with confidence right now. Wish I could've been there to party with you guys! If you ever come to STL, hit me up. I'll even take you to hug the arch :)
Oh my gosh, how fun!!!
Also, I totally thought that the picture of you in the fedora and shades was a picture of Britney Spears from back when she was hot. So you know, good job with that!
Three things:
1. Nice Joe Nichols reference!
2. I love love LOVE your green coat.
Glad you had fun. I've only been to CA once, and it was years ago when I was in high school. I miss it. I want to go BACK. Therefore, um, this is my jealous face.
you're not a smoking boy crazy lush? but i LOOOVE smoking boy crazy lushes.
also. funnest trip ever.
Yay! I'm glad you guys had so much fun. Oh, and I agree about the palm trees, how could you not be obsessed with them? They're so funny and Cali-esque.
So much fun! I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself and TRAVELING!!
It is so true how we no longer give out phone numbers anymore. My belief is, if you're saavy enough to find me on the internet, then you're saavy enough to see me naked. Or something like that. It was great meeting you! I heart you. :) SQUEE.
oh yeah, and thank you for catching me up on what I blacked out for. Sheesh. I'm pretty sure I didn't want the cigarette, just an excuse to smack your ass.
Awesome pictures!! Sounds like a blast...and definitely beats the snowy weather we're getting here in Boston right now :)
YAY! I'm so glad you had such an awesome time! It's always sad to come home from a great vacation, but "cashing in your raincheck" sounds pretty fun too, haha.
How about we plant some palm trees round these parts? I wonder how they would stand up in the frigid temperatures. Hmm.
Michelle! You're adorable! I'm glad you had fun in mah home state.
Yay! This was a really fun post with all the pictures! When I went to California, I totally fell in love with it too. It's hard not to! The palm trees, the hot surfer boys, the sites to see! Now I really miss it.
PS...I totally love your green jacket. Where is that from?!
In and Out Burger is like only the best nasy burgers out there! And IHOP...the best nasty breakfast food!
I <3 you so much and I'm glad you had what is obviously a wonderful trip!
I am also a huge fan of palm trees!
Just out of curiosity - did you get that coat at Nordstrom? Because I do believe that same exact coat is sitting on my chair. Stop trying to be me, Michelle.
In other words, awesome time. :) I'm happy for you!
If there is only one thing you have to eat while here, it's In-N-Out. Glad you did, I ESPECIALLY love their shakes. You must try next time around!
I've never thought about the abundance of palm trees here... I guess I must be used to it :)
Those palm trees at night look rather like phallic LOL I'm SURE that's not why you liked them so much though ;-) Sounds like a great time was had by all, and if the boy was cute you should facebook him!
yeah! So glad you had fun! Next time we'll definitely have to meet up!! :-) Rats love palm trees too!! ACK!!!!!!! Did you notice any of the trees with the metal band around them!? That's so the little buggers can't get to the top where they like to make their homes!
OMG LOVE your green coat! And I'm still upset that I didn't get to meet you considering you were UP THE STREET from my house!!! So glad you had fun! And where is this Goat place?
Glad you had such a great trip! I was going to ask if you made it to In and Out, it's pretty much a California staple, glad you liked it!
And the palm trees are amazing, ah California.
When you travel to another state post-break up, a woman is allowed to stretch her persona! ;)
I so need a weekend like this. I am uber jealous.
Also, I got a craving for a cheeseburger after your last post, but I know want In&Out and IHOP. Dying!
You look like you had soooo much fun! I wish I had known in advance, you were literally 3 blocks from where I live! Aaahh!
Cashed in on a raincheck???
heh. I did NOT want you to leave. but thanks for not killing me.
Love u!
You sure are a fun pretty little thing :-D
We got slammed by a snowstorm today in NY and am SO wanting the sunshine of Calif!!
Looks like Michelle definitely has got her groove back! ;)
PS: What is that tray of green drinks??
Aww. I wish I'd been there. That sounds like the weekend of LEGEND!
I'm soo glad you had fun. Next time, we'll ALL have to go!
The green coat is awesome! Good choice. I can't remember, did you get the matching shoes?
Next time I'm coming too. Seriously. I need some girls only fun!
You didn't even tell him you were in california? HA!
BTW - Californian meals look HUGE and GROSS
And since when were you seeing TWO men?! Have I missed something?
By the way the pic of the lights on those palm trees look like three huge penises.
everyone deserves to let their hair down on vaca ;) sounds like you had a blast!!
Man, you guys had a blast! And yes, you've definitely got your groove back. Work it, girl!
Okay so everyone has said it already- but sweet goodness Michelle- I WANT YOUR GREEN COAT. (And I feel that because I threw it all in caps, that means I should be the winner. And you know, you should just give it away).
Seriously though, it looks like you had a fantastic time. I'm happy for you friend!
That sounds like one of the most fun vaca's in a long time! Oh too be single and drunk!!
I need to go to this In and Out. I ALWAYS hear about it!
Wow, sounds like such a blast!
But how can you top SpongeBob hitting on you?
Oh, and I meant to add:
You're not 'dating' two men, you are exploring your options.
Ladies and gentlemen, we were hammered.
best. line. ever.
wow - what an incredible vacay!! i seriously wanna live in cali!
I remember one of the first things my family did in LA was go to an In n Out burger restaurant. I have never had such a yummy hamgburger. Must have another one when I get back there.
That looks awesome! I want to be around palm trees, delicious drinks, and cute boys!
Who is the hotty in the hat!
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