Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's Your Beef Wednesday :: The Blogging/Social Media Edition

Thought I'd throw it back to an old blog tradition - the What's Your Beef Wednesday tradition that is. If you're a new reader, I got this idea for a post from my favorite local radio station. They do this segment every Wednesday morning and I think it's great.

Basically I vent in the post, you vent in the comments. It's stress relieving. Here goes:

  • Plagiarism. I was completely surprised and disgusted by this story. Blogging is supposed to be an outlet, a way to tell stories about what is going on IN YOUR OWN LIFE. Why would anyone even be interested in retelling someone else's life happenings? I truly don't see the benefit. The strangest part to me was that she even continued the charade in real life.
  • Obsessive Tweeting. Yes, if I follow you, I do want to know what's going on in your life, hear witty things that you have to say, or watch hilarious YouTube video links you post. But I also need a breather every once in awhile.
  • Facebook version 3,989. Really, Facebook, we like it the way it is. Or was... or... JUST STOP CHANGING IT ALREADY.
  • Non-responsiveness. When I leave a comment on a blog post, one of these things is happening: I have something funny/witty to say, thought the post was exceptional, have my own personal experience/advice to share, or have a legitimate question. As long as it's not a hypothetical question or something really personal, can I have an answer?
  • The way Blogger handles comments. This goes along with the last bullet. Sometimes I can't answer questions people pose to me because of the way Blogger allows comments. That is one thing I do like about Wordpress, you have to leave an e-mail address!
  • Tweet Spammers. Enough already. Quit following me. No, I do not plan on following you back.
And one final, unrelated to blogging/social media, beef:
Now it's your turn. What's your beef today (blogging related or otherwise)? Feel free to use caps, it really helps get the point across.

The WYBW Archives:
Volume One
Volume Two :: The Men Suck Edition
Volume Three
Volume Four
Volume Five :: The Road Rage Edition


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

if blogger fixed bullet 5 bullet 4 would be SO much easier for me!

PomJob said...

I thought Cadbury Creme Eggs seemed smaller this year, but I don't regularly eat them, so I wasn't positive. Though I'm sure it was a cost-cutting move, it's probably not horrible for our waistlines that the "new" eggs are smaller! said...

I am thinking of unfollowing some people on twitter because I just can't take it anymore.

Unless you're doing something incredible, I don't need to have a play by play of your day.

Jess said...

I've read that quite a few food companies are reducing the portions they sell rather than raise prices. Sneaky!

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Part of the reason I migrated to Wordpress was Blogger is so obsolete with its commenting system. Seriously annoying!

Julie Q said...

glad to see you're back in action!! oooo the non responsiveness? Unless its a flat out question- i'm not one to usually respond to comments- but that's only because all i'd end up writing is 'totally agree!' or 'thanks' or 'yes!' or something simple like that.

JM said...

MY big pet peeve when it comes to blogs is any blog with a layout from "" I don't know why, but they drive me crazy. Yes, I know, I don't have to read it if I don't like it. But, the phrase "the cutest blog on the block" just makes me want to gag. I cannot take anyone's blog seriously with that little tag on it.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY noticed that that the Cadbury Creme Eggs were smaller! My sister told me I was just imaginging it, but they were definitely smaller than usual. Not that it's a bad thing (for my scale, at least) but if I have to wait a whole year to find them, I want to eat a few REAL SIZED eggs! Damn the man!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I totally can't spell. Imagining. Sorry!

Virginia said...

I THOUGHT that my Cadbury Creme Eggs were smaller this year!! They are my guilty indulgence during the Easter season, I love them so dang much. But shame on you, Hershey's, SHAME ON YOU (though I will continue to eat them as if my life depends on it, of course).

Katelin said...

the plagiarizing story was ridiculous, i couldn't believe and can't believe that there are still people out there that do that. so ridiculous.

La Petite Chic said...

Wow, I am completely shocked by the plagiarism scandal. I really enjoyed her blog...looks like I was actually enjoying other people's blogs.
My beef today is the weather. Spring has been such a tease this year!

Anonymous said...

That's why I switched to wp... good points you have here!
Always love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't think I tweet too much! And I know I'm bad about responding to comments (and it's not like I get a ton either) but I apprecite every single one and I do answer when a questioned is asked.

And here I am all "OMG this whole thing was about ME!" Ha.

Larissa said...

I wish Blogger had a better commenting policies too.

My beef is with the latte I drank this morning. It has messed up my stomach all day! Curse you, latte.

The Charming Hedonist said...

Wait, are you suggesting that big business would try to screw the little people?!

Julie said...


Tim thought I was CRRRAZY when I told him that the eggs were smaller this year!
So glad that you posted this...

Unknown said...

i'm sorry i don't always get to comment back to you - i miss blogging as much, i just get so overwhelmed and bombarbded by e-mails lately ugh.

anyway - cadbury cream eggs - WHAT!! WOW! that is hilarious, i love that conan sketch! awesome!!

and i totally agree about twitter. if someone tweets more than 6 times an hour, i usually unfollow them. it's just too much.

Anonymous said...

totally totally floored about the plagiarism thing.

and it's pretty sad that pretty well a third of my lame 30 followers on twitter are spammers. hahaha.

Carmen said...

that plagiarism story is CRAZY!

BYX said...

see's candies bars are a lot smaller now than they were before! SAME PRICE FOR LESS!!! >=O