Tuesday, April 28, 2009

That Time I (Unknowingly) Met A Country Singer*

Scene: My friend and I are walking up to the bar, excited to see a concert of one of my favorite country singers, Craig Morgan. Enter, Guy on Motorcycle (GOM)

GOM: Hey ladies, what's going on here tonight?

Friend: Craig Morgan is having a concert.

GOM: What does he sing?

Both of us: Country music.

GOM: I know, I meant what songs?

(Friend looks at me to answer, since I am the semi-obsessed fan)

Little Bit of Life, International Harvester, God Must Really Love Me

GOM: I see. Hope you girls have a good time!

(We continue on to the entrance of the bar where we see a few security guys chuckling.)

Bouncer: Did you ladies know the guy on the bike?

(We shake our heads no.)

Yeah... that was Craig Morgan.

Wow. I have never felt like a bigger dumbass.

Although, in my defense he had on a rather large helmet and aviator sunglasses. And I've only seen him on album covers!

Not as exciting as Katelin meeting Joshua Jackson and announcing her surprise engagement, but I have to work with what I got folks.

Maybe the bouncers were pulling our legs. But really, what male country singer wouldn't approach two ladies who got all dolled up for his concert? :)

*And Was Nearly Trampled For A Guitar Pick


grungedandy said...

Wow so cool dude! Love the photos! If you’d known who he was what would you have done? I tend to be even more of a dumbass the few times I’ve met someone important & I’ve known who they are! It’s either verbal diarrhoea or struck dumb & either is not really me & so not cool! LoL Seeya Hugya *G*

Anonymous said...

The ego on that dude. Checking to see if you knew his songs. :)

Anonymous said...

I would have died right then and there.

Ashley D said...

hahaha, that must have been embarrassing, but I have to say I'm a little bit jealous!

Jess said...

That was TOTALLY him. Who else would ask for song names?

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Priceless. And hilarious, too! Well, at least from this side of the computer screen.

Andhari said...

He's kinda cute, yea? In country singers kind of way, I mean. You don't take pictures with him?:)

Larissa said...

That is a GREAT story. At least Craig Morgan didn't seem to mind the mistake!

La Petite Chic said...

Oh my god, that is such a great story! Ha ha :)

Mel said...

I love me some Craig Morgan.... I love me some Blake Shelton even more so. Can I run into Blake like you ran into Craig please?

Katelin said...

haha i have definitely walked by a singer before and didn't even notice it until it was too late. i wanted to slap myself! but i definitely recognized joshua jackson and will be posting that story tomorrow finally :)

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

hahaha. this is hilarious. he is a cutie!

Lacey Bean said...

Haha that's great. That's like when my Dad told Gwenyth Paltrow that she would win first place in a Gwyneth Paltrow look-alike contest. :)

Princess Pointful said...

But you passed his questions, at least!
And you looked lovely, so double points.

Nicole said...

came across your blog today - i like it. awesome craig morgan story! i can totally imagine him doing that, too.