Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Put Out The Fire

As I'm sure some of you noticed, mention of FF and GQ came to a startling halt a few weeks ago. In summary, here's why:

After picking up on FF's Delete Radar capabilities it wasn't hard to figure out his ulterior motives. His charming but infrequent texts were sent merely as a reminder - "Hey Michelle, I still have your number saved in my phone and I will continue to text you as long as you respond." Yeah thanks, but no thanks. I relayed via text message a few weeks ago that I think we're just in two different places right now. He wanted a carefree, unattached "relationship". I wasn't looking for anything serious either, but wanted something a tad more ... meaningful. In other words, it was fun while it lasted. Message sent loud and clear. Or so I thought.

A week later another "Hey what are you up to?" text is received. Hopefully the lack of response on my end will clear things up this time around. I have a feeling he was testing me to see if I really meant what I said. Yes, yes I did. You, my friend, have been deleted!

Breaking things off with GQ wasn't quite as easy. He is a very nice guy that was very into me, but the feelings weren't mutual. There was no chemistry. No spark. And hell, I need spark! After a semi-disastrous date a few weeks ago, I had come to the conclusion that I wouldn't be seeing him again. I figured I would verbalize it the next time he called. Well, who knew it would take him two weeks?! I think he saw it coming and the random "Just saying hey" or "How was your weekend?" texts gave it away. But I just couldn't bring myself to tell him what I had to say via text. Why is that suddenly acceptable with our generation? I mean on Sex & the City, Carrie was broken up with on a post-it note. Isn't texting just as bad?! In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How rude!"

Eventually the phone call did come. As awkward as it was, I feel so much better. A clean, honest break. Just what I was hoping for. It seems I'm getting pretty good at telling guys, I'm just not that into you.

In regards to my hott Saturday night date, I will reveal this much:

Chemistry. My god, the chemistry.


The Underpaid Princess said...

You tease! You can't say "Chemistry" and not give details. Oh well, even without the details I can say....GET IT GIRL!!

the infertile turtle said...

Yay chemistry! Sounds like he was worthy of the sexified hair... :)

Anonymous said...

hahaa looove the full house reference!

and ooh, these boys are just coming outta the woodworks for ya! i'm so excited for your hott date!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Chemistry chemistry chemistry... can't wait for the stories!!


Nic (NotPerfect) said...

Fingers crossed for you!

I must say, I am so so so so glad to see you reference the I'm Just Not Into You post. I needed to see that. I'm not looking forward to having that phone call.

nicole antoinette said...

I am oh so excited for you. Chemistry makes all the difference in the world. Yay for you and yay for upcoming details.

Sid said...

I once left a guy an 'I'm not that into you" instant message while he was online ...

Princess Pointful said...

Yay! There's that spark you speak of!

I'm starting to wonder if there are more cons to texting than pros... people seem to have gotten ever so lazy!!

Ashley said...

I think in today's world texting is becoming the new way to do everything. I secretly hate it, but can't get away from it.

I just found your blog and love it!
Good luck with your hair! Try Big Sexy Hair products! They are AMAZING!

k said...

did you do some chemistry experiments?! :)

Susie said...

Good for you! And I so know what you mean...chemistry is sooo important.

So yeah, give us details!!!

ANA said...

Chemistry is important, definitely, sparks are supposed to fly....
I'm glad you are comfortable with telling people "I'm just not that into you" I always found it rather difficult...
More stories, elaborate.

Anonymous said...
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The Brooklyn Boy said...

Not intending to rain on the parade, but be careful not to get too caught up in the chemistry. Try to take things slower if you can. Weird advice from a guy perhaps, but advice I should recently have heeded. =/

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I've been broken up with in a text message...twice by the same guy. It hurts, it hurts really bad, so I'm glad you didn't do it!

dreamgirl said...

oooh i cant wait to hear the details!! :) so proud of you for gettin out there like this!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had chemistry. It is so important. It isn't the only thing but it is definitely a big thing.

Virginia said...

It sounds like you definitely made the right moves with FF and GQ. If the chemistry wasn't there, it wasn't there, and it's better to move on.

And speaking of chemistry, stop being such a tease! Tell us about your date on Saturday night!!! Pretty please!

Anonymous said...

blame it on the hair!! :)

we want more chemistry details! pleeeeease?

Andréa said...

I have to say... you are a changed woman!! Who would have thought when he broke up with you, he created a man eating monster :) Just kidding :D So glad you had Chemistry!!

Nilsa S. said...

It's tough being a heartbreaker, isn't it?!? When it rains it pours - go girl!

Katie said...

Spark. Yes. Chemistry. YES! You go girl.

Tina Poe said...

Oooh! Tell us more please.

Anonymous said...

More, please. You big tease!


Liz said...

So happy to hear you're beating them off with sticks! Not that I'm surprised...

A Margarita said...

Oooo, we all want details!

Anonymous said...

Buh-bye, FF! Ciao, Mr. GQ (well done on you - it's hard to let someone down gently). More, please, about Mr. Hott??

Good job for staying true to yourself, dahlink. That, in itself, I think is the hardest thing.

Moll said...

Maybe I will curl my hair tonight and and get out the chemistry set for my guy. Fun!

Charm City Kim said...

I hear ya about the breaking up via text. I hate that text messages have replaced normal conversation altogether! It drives me nuts.

But kudos to you for doing the honest break. And it looks like kharma was on your side. Now I want to read about the hot date!!

Jamie Lovely said...

Chemistry! Yay!

Can't wait to hear more!

cdp said...

This sounds promising . . .

Also the "how rude!" totally cracked me up.


ps I totally tried to buy some Lucky jeans this weekend, and they made me look like I have a boy butt. I liked them except for that though - they were very cute, they just didn't fit right. :-( The story of my life. I think I need an ass reduction.

Lia said...

Miss Manners would definitely be proud - breaking up by text is so WRONG! But why couldn't you call him?

Anonymous said...

Yay! Sparks and butterflies and clammy hands oh my!

You needed a hott (yes, two t's) date, Michelle! Yay yay yay!

Annie said...

Text message or post it note break ups are a sign of one thing: no class. And who wants a man with no class?

Yaaaay for chemistry!

-R- said...

Texting a serious message is just not right. Good for you for waiting for a call!

I love your hair in the post below!

L Sass said...

I always think it's kind of confidence-building to have a couple dates with someone who is perfectly lovely, but with whom you have no spark. It assures you that the good guys are out there... somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Poor GQ. And WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END IT ON A CLIFF HANGER!? SOO wanting to know. ;-) Just kidding, I know you with your jinxing business. ;-)

Jess said...

Yay! Chemistry! I am dying to hear more!

Also, way to go with forthrightly just giving that other guy the bad news.

Get Me an Entertainment Job said...

WOOOOOOO SATURDAY NIGHT DATE!!! Good for you, Michelle!! :)

Yoda said...

It was really honorable to break off on a phone call and not via txt. I would hate someone tell me that on a txt. Although, another thing that's becoming quite popular? un-Facebooking. I had a girl-friend of mine from Ohio State break off with her ex, by changing her relationship status and on Wall msgs. OUCH!

I hope for chemistry on my 'first date' tonight ;-)

Anonymous said...

hello SEXY.

i couldn't resist since your picture from yesterday's post is on my screen and hi. you're hot.

i love the way you think about guys. sparks are so necessary. and i love hearing that your date on saturday had so much hot chemistry (hoo!). and that post it note breakup (or a text breakup)? i'm pretty sure i would kill a guy that did that to me. ok. maybe not kill. just a solid kick in the shins.

Stephanie said...

You people and your cliffhangers! Can we hope for a date recap on Monday?

Samantha said...

I am sooooo excited for your electric date on Saturday! WOOHOO!

Passionista said...

Good for you for making some hard choices! I hope it works out with bachelor # 3 :)

graffiti.girl.designs said...

i guess we all want details ;) i haven't talked to you in a loooooooong time. we must catch up via the phone soon!

miss you!!!!!!!

ooooooooooo on a side note. apparently, you can fly from niagara falls to columbus for $10 each way - we must look into this!

Ashley said...

you should never settle for nothing less than sparks and this chemistry you speak of ;)

Katelin said...

Yay for chemistry! And sparks? Woo.

Kristie said...

YAY for chemistry!!!! I'm so pulling for you!

Unknown said...

woot for the "chemistry" date!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was dumped via e-mail once. That was bad but text messages (or post-its for that matter) are far worse.

PrincessPolly said...

Woohoo! You got rid of your text-pest - go girl! Good luck with the new guy!

Tara said...

Yay, to chemistry!

Anonymous said...

YAY for chemistry!!! :)

email said...

Good for you! And your hair looked great in your last post!

Julie Q said...

You got it dude! (haha i was inspired by your full house rhetoric)

K. said...

ahh yay! can't wait to hear about it. :)

Miriam D said...

You tease! You say chemistry... what more?? Tell us!

Tia said...

ooh i'm intrigued!

DG said...

Chemistry is probably the best one word description of a date. Must have been the hair!!!

L said...

I think I'm getting pretty good at the whole "I'm not that into you thing" too. My favorite way to say it:

"I like spending time with you, but I want to be intentional in my relationships, and I just don't see this working out in the long-term."

Then it sounds like you're doing him a favor. Which you are.

Just dealt with a 'delete radar' guy, too. So annoying. It's sad when a guy gets bonus points for PICKING UP THE PHONE. Next time someone tries to make plans with me over a text msg, it won't happen.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear all about it. Congrats on the deletion and the chemistry!

Anonymous said...

Phwoar, the chemistry sounds GOOD. And I want to know more! ;)