Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Definition of Consumerism In America

Last night we had a slice of Godiva® chocolate Cheesecake Factory® cheesecake which was purchased at Starbucks® inside of a Barnes & Noble® bookstore.

Is this country defined by brand names or what?

Then we get in the car and these lyrics were playing:

She tucks her Paul Mitchell® hair under her John Deere® cap
Hides Victoria's Secret® under those jeans

-from Craig Morgan's "My Kind of Woman"

And we just had to laugh.


Anna said...

Finishing my Starbucks® while I read this, pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

"we" had to laugh, did "we"?

was this a bookstore date? if so... amazing

Anonymous said...

Um, yes, who is this "we" that you speak of??


Anonymous said...

Haha! My husband always argues with me when I ask him to fill up my Nalgene. He always says "You mean your water bottle?"

It's like calling a tissue, Kleenex!

cdp said...

The other day William told me I really should stop carrying around a phone AND an iPod and get myself an iPhone.

HE'S EIGHT, dude.

Charm City Kim said...

Its awful! Its even worse when you're convinced that if its not the name brand, it isn't the same.

And I'm with lspoon - I refer to things by their brand now instead of what it actually is. Kleenex, Starbucks, Tampax (tmi, I know)...

Anonymous said...

I must confess I'm another brand-name-caller (Nalgene! Kleenex! etc!)

Anonymous said...

I heart Starbucks. Wish I had some now...

Annie said...

It's pretty disgusting! And I would not be surprised to discover Craig Morgan had a little incentive from those name brands!

Jess said...

It's totally true that product placements are definitely the way to advertise, since people have learned not to see commercials. Also, look at you being all cryptic. Who is "we"?!

Miriam D said...

Haha, no kidding! We are so brand name conscious in this country.

Scotty said...

I like how everyone caught the 'we'.

I wouldn't have even thought about it :)

Like the new pic btw.

sassafras said...

Yes...that is too funny.

And yay for hair (I love it) and "tell me more tell me more like does he have a car...?"

Liz said...

Um, who is we?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Love it!


Yoda said...

Hahaha! What car were you in?? You missed a brand name!!!

Nic (NotPerfect) said...

It's so true! It's too bad it all tastes so darn good.

Anonymous said...

America is driven by brands. Surprise, surprise. But I still can't help myself but to give in.

nicole antoinette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Another brand name user here--I don't think I've ever called Kleenex by any other name, even if it's actually Puffs!

Oh, but Godiva cheesecake, it is to die for.

graffiti.girl.designs said...

well now i want cheesecake and starbucks. the power of suggestion...

hope you had a fun time, it sounds like you did!

Anonymous said...

you are making me hungry!

i want to hear about the date!

Virginia said...

You are going to get SO many hits on your blog from people looking for John Deere caps made of cheesecake, decorated with stars, and designed by some famous (but secret) designer named Victoria Godiva. I can feel it. Check your Google Analytics later.

Kristie said...

I'm also curious about the 'we'!

Lia said...


This isn't even about brand names that made it into regular conversation like Xerox and Kleenex and such - this is how I won't drink coffee unless it has the right label. I'd use a Puffs instead of (actually, over) a Kleenex, but would I buy non-Starbucks coffee? Assuming I drank coffee, I mean.

Katelin said...

MmmmmGodiva Cheesecake. That sounds delicious. And so branded, haha love it.

Susie said...

That's sooo true. I didn't realize they had Cheesecake Factory cheesecake at Starbucks!!

Must go immediately....

Yes, I'm a sucker for brands :x

The Brooklyn Boy said...

As a former B&N employee who worked on the floor with the cafe, I'm contractually obligated to point out that it isn't a Starbucks -- it's a B&N cafe that sells Starbucks coffee.

As a current employee of the NBA, where multiple flavors of Starbucks are provided free, I'm contractually obligated to point out that their Cinnanut flavor is delicious.

That is all.

PrincessPolly said...

Did you mean to arouse quite so much curiosity with the "we" comment or was that unconscious???? :) Personally, it was the mention of cheesecake that I initially focussed on- it's that time of the month!

JUST ME said...

Starbucks blows, but the Cheesecake Factory will ALWAYS be amazing.

ANA said...

too many names yes, but when it is all packed in -

a slice of Godiva® chocolate Cheesecake Factory® cheesecake which was purchased at Starbucks® inside of a Barnes & Noble® bookstore.

I don't really care. Sounds delicious.

but the song, lame.

Maria said...

Sometimes, the level of our consumerism makes me sick... but on the same hand, it's freaking hilarious and you've gotta love it.

Wendy said...

Ooh, it sounds delicious though!

Larissa said...

Oh, man...Godiva chocolate cheesecake?! That just got my heart racing.

Anonymous said... are right, maybe I should rethink that VS panty/bra set I just bought. Nah...where would I be without my VS. Underwear less I guess. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Kind of like how those blockbuster movies are giant commericals to cover the cost of blowing shit up.

Miss A said...

ok so I don't really know most of those things you referred to, but did you know that 'band-aid' is actually a trademark brand rather than product?!

And do you guys refer to tissues as Kleenex's? lol

Unknown said...

um, what? I stopped reading after Godiva Cheesecake...DROOL.

Maxie said...

um, so jealous that you were at the cheesecake factory.