Because I know Santa's not making a stop at my house this year...
The Sex & the City DVD boxed set (seasons 1-6)
What are you treating yourself to?
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Merry Christmas To Me
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Michelle and the City
Labels: daily, the boob tube
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That's so what I wanted to buy myself! I'm going to go blow money in Vegas though the day after Christmas. ahaha
I'd love to have that but I barely have enough to buy others presents this year :)
Oh god, I treated myself to too much already. I have a list a mile long of what I'd LIKE to treat myself to. But to fulfill the list, I need to win the lotto.
OMG, I want that sooooooooooo bad!!!!! I have a few seasons here and there, but I always stare at the entire collection when I'm at Borders. Even the case is beautiful. Aaah, I'm so jealous!
As for me, I've treated myself to more shoes. Because really, I totally didn't have enough already! ;)
Oh, fun. Enjoy! I'm treating myself to an undented car...sigh. Fortunately, before that all happened, I ordered 3 bottles of good wine from, and that should be a pretty fun indulgence!
But it sounds like what you're really getting yourself for Xmas and NYE and 2008 -- is you're getting your mojo back. Yay for rebuilding confidence, and yay for GQ and feeling googly-eyed!
Haven't even thought about it, gosh. I'm sure I'll figure out something in time. I think I just want to be on the other side of New Year's ... less stressful.
oh my gosh, I want to get that soooo bad. There's nothing better on a rainy day (or a sunny day, or snowy day, or bad date day...etc...) than back-to-back episodes of Sex and the City!
I seriously missed the girl memo. I really can't stand Sex and the City. Is there something wrong with me? Need I see my doctor?
I am (potentially) buying myself a new TV to mount on my wall in my new bedroom. Potentially.
oooh...i wanted that set mainly because of the box, but i already have 2-5 so i figured it was pointless. i love that show though.
I treated myself to a new cell phone (The LG Voyager)! Whoo! Although it makes me feel like an old fart. Its way too techy for me.
Woohoo, Sex and the City!
I just bought myself a pair of Hunter rain boots. $98 for galoshes? Why not! (They're so cute.)
While 'away' for work, a friend and I watched seasons 1-5. Like, non-stop. I think it took us like 6 days to finish.
For myself this year, I got a new tv. Bought and installed a new kitchen floor, and mantle. Next week will be one of the bathrooms. When done, I'll post some pics :)
Oooh, that's the best boxed set! When I bought it a few years ago, I literally watched them ALL in one week. I mean I have a life... What? It was over the summer. I was bored, haha.
I think I am going to treat myself to guitar hero 3 for Wii.
I have this box set on my list though.
What a pretty box set! I haven't gotten myself anything, I think I'll just concentrate on trying to finish some more renovations over the holidays.
If you can believe it, I've seen less than 5 episodes of SATC. I'm thinking that will be a 2008 gift to myself so I can finally understand what everyone is talking about!
For some reason I thought it would be better (and cheaper) to buy the SATC DVD's one season at a time. No idea why. I'm very tempted to get the Gilmore Girls complete series set.
But for now, I am treating myself to a 2 week trip to Central America!
What haven't I already done for myself? Trip to Portland, new coat and new boots, multiple see this whole treating myself thing goes all year, but is especially bad at this time since I have Christmas and then my birthday a month later. And I have to treat myself then too!
*drools* I always feel like there's a secret inside the box - like Sarah Jessica Parker will step out of it when you open it up for the first time. My stepdad wanted to get me that for the holidays last year, and when he saw how much it was, he said, "Hell no." I laughed.
But I do have season 1 and six. Only 2-5 to go! Incidentally - season 5 was the shortest, but I think it's my favorite.
Good choice! I have been treating myself since Black Friday with things like a wireless router to clothes. But you know I need it ;-)
I think I'll wait until after Christmas to treat myself...I still have people to buy for and am short on $ - grrr!
Good for you - you deserve it!
when i get some money from the parents for christmas, i'm treating myself to some new bare minerals make-up, some new work clothes, a new bra and whatever else i decide i need that day! i heart shopping for myself!
I may or may not have purchased Will and Grace and My So Called Life on DVD, and maybe a brand new bedding emsemble for my bedroom. Cheating Bastard.
I. AM. HYPERVENTILATING!!! I want the Sex & the City pink, suede boxed set SO. DAMN. BADLY! When this post pulled up on my computer I actually gasped.
(Granted, I have seasons 1-6 anyway, but the pink suede box is so ultra chic!)
I'm with heidikins... I have all of the seasons of SATC, but I LOVE that box! They should sell the box just for storage :)
Anyway, I'm not treating myself to anything, but I really, REALLY need a cut and color. It is so sad that that has become a treat and not a regular occurrence in my life!
I need a job before I can treat myself to anythingggg! I did buy a few cute things while purchasing my sis' gift on though.
I recently found out my friend who's a superrr girly girl had never seen a sngle episode of SATC!!! We made her watch a bunch this weekend. Umm then we found out she hasn't seen Friends either!! Eeeek. Strange considering she is into EVERYTHING pop culture, celebrity, etc.
Oh, my fellow SATC lov-ah (get it?!), this gift will NOT dissapoint! It's pretty much my pink bible. The case is so pretty and soft and I blaze it out on my coffee table and every night when I get home I look at it and smile.
And I don't care how much of a goof that makes me sound like.
I have bought myself something EVERT time I've gone out Christmas shopping this year. It's really getting out of control.
i'm addict. that and felicity. i could put them on repeat every day of the week and never leave my bed. and laugh. and cry. all the while.
well i think it's this, now!
my boyfriend and i are getting a digital blah blah blah HD blah blah DVR for our apartment. it's apparently expensive because he wants all digitial and the HD and i just want to be able to watch project runway whenever i want.
and a pair of these amazing stella mccartney boots i saw, for me. :)
Oh what a great gift to yourself! I may just treat myself to a new purse or some shoes, because you can never have too many right?
I bought myself 2 new books that I couldn't find in the library (something no else else would know to get me) and a recipe book that lets you write and organize recipes (and something I wouldn't want from someone else, namely my BF).
For the longest time, I was all, "Ugh, I hate Sex in the City" for ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON. Like, I really didn't have a reason. I had never even given it a chance. Then I lived with a girl that had all the seasons and I fell in LOVE. Head over heels.
Um... I guess the point of that story is that I'm jealous? Yeah, that's it.
Oh, and I treated myself to my iPod, which I totally blogged about as well. :)
I'm treating myself to a $5,600 credit card bill I rang up last month on the account of all the parties.
Fuck. me.
I will be treating myself to the third season of Lost on DVD, and I am so excited. Hooray for the DVD sets of the shows we love!
when's the sex and the city slumber party?!
i got myself a new green dress. :-)
I love this set! This was TM's gift to me last year. I watch it all the time.
I bought this gorgeous necklace at a local boutique. It's beautiful (and it was kind of pricey for a necklace) but I haven't let myself feel guilty. Surprisingly.
I am feeling lustful over those DVDs. Totally takes me back to college when we would watch the tapes (! I am old) for hours on end...
Merry Christmas!
A lot of eggnog while blocking out the caloric intake ;)
Ha! I bought these for myself just now, awaiting three more seasons .. I hope I get them before I leave!
(They are the individual sets, but SQUEE for S&TC!)
ohh I'm jealous! I am so putting that on my birthday list. Buying that for myself is not quite my budget just yet.
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