Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I walked into my townhouse last night, went upstairs and changed out of my work clothes into something a little more comfy. As I closed my bedroom door and turned around I could see that my cats were sitting at the foot of my computer chair, looking straight at me, anxiously awaiting my arrival. I chuckled to myself. Am I that predictable?

"Actually girls, I'm going to watch Grey's Anatomy," I said. (So there! Think you know me...)

Yes, I talk to my cats. Don't judge!


Anonymous said...

Ha! I talk to Merlin and Jasper (my two kitties) all the time, too. What's really funny is when they answer me back. ;)

Yoda said...

Haha! I sometimes talk to myself and I use 'we' instead of 'I'. LOL! Creepy, but funny as shit.

Anonymous said...

ok you are too cute!! ps - is grey's back?!

Anonymous said...

Oh I talk to everything. My plants, my car, my feet. Communication is key.

tshirtandjeans said...

it's the day they talk back that you'll know you have problems.

NWO said...

Of course you do. How else would they ignore you?

The Author Of This said...

Don't fret it. The rabbit gets my monologue & doesn't seem to mind.

I don't, however, subject it to Grey's Anatomy. ;)

Pink Sun Drops said...

Boy there's a lot of us up late this evening!

Wish Grey's Anatomy had more new shows lined up : ( ...

Miss A said...

you have TWO cats? Very cool.

I talk to my cat too, and I just wish she'd talk back one day. Just once.

Susie said...

That's adorable. I NEED to get a pet I can talk to. Seriously!

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry. Like many others in the comments, I talk (a lot) to the cats as well.

They actually seem to enjoy it. They know it's a way of getting attention.

Kate said...

Cute story :-)

And who doesn't talk to their cats?!

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with talking to your cats. I do it way too often!

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with talking to your cats. I do it way too often!

tiff said...

I've been following the same routine lately...home from work/gym, PJs, glass of wine...blogging. I gotta break out of it!

Nilsa S. said...

It's amazing how instinctual and ritualistic animals are, eh!? My dog looks at my fiance and me funny if we don't sit in our regular spots on the couch. She's the sheriff in our house - making sure everything stays normal!

Trish Ryan said...

If I don't go to bed by the same time every night, my dog starts to pace back and forth between the bedroom and the living room, as if to remind me, "We're supposed to move to this room now, and turn out all the lights."

Anonymous said...

Um, you would think I was insane if you knew how often I talked to my dogs. And, you know, if you knew what we talked about.


Charm City Kim said...

Ha! That's awesome. My dogs have figured out that I'll always let them lick my dinner plate when I'm done. So they just stare at me while I'm eating it like, Hurry the hell up! We're hungry!

And I talk to them too.

Jess said...

Doesn't everyone talk to their pets? I mean, that's half the point, right?

Anonymous said...

Haha, I talk to my cat, too. And I walk him on a leash (but that's another story). I like when the cat meow's back at me. If my cat isn't waiting for me by the window or door when I get home, I get sad. Pets are great!

Virginia said...

I am such a creature of habit too...I do almost exactly the same things in the same order when I get ready in the morning, and then when I come home after work. This is part of the reason I really want to look into cooking or art classes of some sort. I'll let you know what I find!

Le Petit Chic said...

Don't worry, I talk to my dog all the time. And she whines to nap on my lap while I'm on the computer because she knows I'll be there for a long time!

Anonymous said...

i think it's expected that you talk to your pets, especially when you live alone like we do. griffen has become my silent therapist when i have nobody else to talk to.

longredcape said...

My cat Raquel (the one that f'ed up my car!!) talks back to me.



"Whatcha doin'?"


And she never interrupts :)

And Layla (dog) always comes in the bathroom with me, because she's used to sitting in there in the morning while I shower.

sassafras said...

Ha ha! I'd like you to find me a pet owner that DOESN'T talk to their animals!

Anonymous said...

I can one-up you. I sing to my dogs!

Maxie said...

haha... i always talk to my cats. my friends make fun of me because I tell them "bye" as I'm leaving the house.

Appletini said...

Way to pull one over on them ;)

Ashley said...

hahaha i talk to my animals as well...actuallyt he one black and white cat will have fights as my mother puts it. I yell at her and she yowls back at me. And then i tell her to not talk back to me.

Thats so cute that they were waiting for you though. I miss my animals!

Miriam D said...

What pet owner doesn't talk to their pet? I have full on conversations with my dog. She's a good listener (and by good, I mean she stares at me, then lies down and falls asleep).

L Sass said...

See, this is why I need a pet... that way, when I talk to myself when I come home at night, I can play it off like I was talking to the dog!

Anonymous said...

That is adorable!! And from my own experiences and the looks of your comments section it appears you are not alone in your penchant for talking to pets ;)

B2G said...

Um, I saw your comment on Clink's post today. I want an explanation. :P

Passionista said...

Don't we all talk to inanimate or non-verbal things once in a while?

Samantha said...

Oh sweetie, I have full on conversations with my cat where she actually meows back. Love those little felines.

Tia said...

i totally talk to both of my cats, but one more than the other.

and also the dog.

however, our turtle? bad conversationalist.

each of the two said...

hey, just think, one more cat and you too can be an Old Maid!

(wait no, that's me, sans kitties)

Anonymous said...

I talk to Molly, all the time.

Katelin said...

Haha I work the same way too. I'm very predictable. And instead of cats, I have little brothers to tell me so.

PrincessPolly said...

You think you've got problems Michelle? Sometimes I talk to myself about me using the third person. It's worrying . . . :)

Anonymous said...

Hey - talking to your cats is a hell of a lot better then talking to most guys I know....

K. said...

Who doesn't talk to their cats?

Anonymous said...

I talk to my dog. Sometimes he sits there and opens and closes his mouth like he is trying to talk back. It is super cute.

I'm Kate said...

Aw! I can't wait until I have a pet that can predict my arrival and just be there for me to greet when I get home. So cute.

graffiti.girl.designs said...

who doesn't talk to their cats?

graffiti.girl.designs said...

oh and greys is new this week!!!! god knows it will be the last new one for months probably....

Princess Pointful said...

I talk to my ketchup bottle, Michelle, so you aren't doing too bad.

Kristie said...

I'm am soooooo judging you.


I talk to my cats, too.