Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No Beefs This Wednesday

I was planning on having another What's Your Beef? Wednesday post for you guys today, but as I stared at my computer screen last night... like Mike, I had nothin'. So I put it off until this morning thinking I'll be sure to have something to complain about by then. Negative. And here's why:

*I went shopping last night; found a bargain on something sexy.

*Paid all my bills online; have money to spare.

*Caught up on blogs; my Google reader is slimmer.

*Took a bubble bath; had a glass of wine.

*Watched some Grey's Anatomy reruns; Denny & Izzy are magical on screen.

*Snuggled with my kitties; they kept my feet warm.

*Talked to my mom; my brother is doing a lot better.
(He's not sick or anything, just going through a lot of personal issues.)

*Traffic was slim this morning; even got to work a little early.

*Jamming out to Pandora radio; plugged in my favorite artists and all my favorite songs are there for the listening.

*Short skirt, black tights and sexy black heels; looking good brings confidence.

*It's finally Wednesday; damn it took forever to get here.

Really, how could I complain today?
So instead of sharing your beefs, tell me - what put a smile on your face on this fantastic hump day?


nicole antoinette said...

I am smiling at being on the road to illness recovery! Yay penicillin!

Anonymous said...

happiness! i love it!

today i celebrate constant fun in the google reader, veggie cream cheese, and actually being excited to do nothing tonight!

Anonymous said...

Yay for a good hump day! I hope it stays good!

cdp said...

Smiling at the thought of a dinner date tonight AND the decision to pay the babysitter to come an hour early so I can get ready in peace and look good!


Girl from Pennsylvania said...

Since you requested happiness, I will agree with you on Pandora. It is my stuck in a cube savior. But really I am a crabby crank today so I could have really appreciated some beef from someone else today!

Lisa said...

Uh, and anybody who doesn't vote Michelle for 20sb most encouraging/uplifting is either ignorant or lying.

I'm wearing a new black shirt that highlights oh great my arms are and hides how chubby my tummy is. I like it. And I went to the gym with my new membership this morning. Feels good to be a bit sore. Happy hump day!

Clink said...

Aww yay, I'm glad you're having a good day.

And this 60 degree weather in January has TOTALLY put me (and the rest of the city) in a great mood.

Anonymous said...

I finally got caught up with my GoogleReader, too! (Which reminds me, I need to update my blogroll on my GoogleReader is bursting at the seams with such good blogs!)

A Lil' Irish Lass said...

I found a $20 bill walking to my doctor's office this morning. That set my day off right :)

recovering overachiever said...

My diet coke. That sounds sad, but I had a rather crappy morning, and my yummy diet coke is keeping me going.

Here's to the day getting better!

Jess said...

What a nice feeling, not to have ANY beef on a Wednesday. Good for you.

Let's see, making me smile is my amazing and incredibly supportive fiance who stayed up until way too late last night listening to me talk through personal issues and did not complain when the alarm went off way too early this morning.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend is coming over tonight and we're having meatball subs for dinner tonight.

Mitt Romney lost AGAIN.

It's 55 degrees out in Boston--in January!

each of the two said...

having home-made potato leek soup tonight!

and Project runway to look forward to.


dreamgirl said...

i am thankful for greys anatomy being new b/c no TV = boring!
im so glad youre feeling so happy today!

Eleni Zoe said...

What put a smile on my face today?

A text message from someone that I was not expecting. :)

Miriam D said...

I'm happy that Colbert and Stewart are back on the air (even though they are violating the strike, I've been TV starved for a little too long!).

Le Petit Chic said...

Hooray for no beefs! I'm smiling because this time next week I'll be in St. Maarten!!

Anonymous said...

I am smiling because I got had a good amount of money come my way. I can now pay all my bills and get rid of debt. Major smiling.

shelleycoughlin said...

TGIW! I also love Pandora, and seeqpod, as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that I found a cute pair of brown flats. I've been looking for the past couple of months.

I got a really cute sweatshirt from J. Crew and I only had to pay 30 cents because I had a giftcard for the rest.

Nilsa S. said...

After weeks of clouds, the sun is finally showing her face today. Granted, it's no longer in the 60s, but I almost prefer 40s and sun over 60s and rain!

B said...

It's super sunny and (still) warm out! That, and I'm 3 days away from my first guitar lesson. SO STOKED!!

Happy Wednesday to you!

sassafras said...

I must check out this Pandora thing.

I'll smile today for being alive. I am in a pretty good mood but can't seem to put my finger on anythink specifically.

Happy Hump Day!

Yoda said...

Smile? It was that email from my manager that our early morning phone conference calls won't start till next week ;-) I can sleep in a bit this week!!

Virginia said...

No beef?! You are one lucky lady! I'm just glad that today is hump day...the week is halfway over! Hooray!

k said...

where to being?!?!

i'm smiling because of the new boy (i still keep thinking - is this real!?!?), because i'm going skiing tonight (fresh powder - yay!), and because i'm really excited for the new quarter and new classes.

yay to having no beef today!

Anonymous said...

Yay for a happy wednesday! I'm personally celebrating successfully getting itunes on my PC.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

O! I like your day.

I made the perfect bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. :) PERFECT. Not too thick, or too watery. It was perfection.

k said...

i love pandora radio too! happy wednesday!

Lisa said...

What?! Now that I'm in a pissy mood, there's no WYBW? I kid. Although I AM in a pissy mood. I'm happy your day is going great!

PrincessPolly said...

Getting home from work and being able to put on a pair of warm fluffy socks. Long story... :)

L Sass said...

I'm just excited about my relaxing evening tonight--go for a run, Gossip Girl, Project Runway!

brandy said...

The fact that I'm not the only one who says 'hump day'.

A Margarita said...

I woke up to a good morning text from my current crush object :)

Passionista said...

I too, am having a good hump day. I think it's because half the week is over and it flew by! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Snuggling up to a [naked] warm back this morning after hitting the snooze

Katelin said...

Aw yay for no beef! Sounds like a fabulous night you had. And just think, Grey's will be new tomorrow! Haha.

I'm just happy it's Wednesday, woo!

Larissa said...

I love "no complaint" days!

I'm smiling because my husband just made me a fantastic cup of coffee.

ANA said...

It's wednesday, Gossip Girl, how can I not be happy...

Anna said...

Let's see—watching Mike swing dance at our office party was pretty fun!

Susie said...

Yay for having a Wednesday with no beef!! I'm happy that I relaxed tonight, spent an hour on the phone with a bff, and then another hour on the phone with my mom.

Anonymous said...

I did a lot of complaining yesterday so I'll look on the bright side....

Although work has been kind of rough, I laughed A LOT today with my coworkers (don't even ask what we were looking at on the internet). And that just always makes me feel good to smile at work.

And I got a nice compliment at work from someone I work with on a huge project and that was nice to hear too.

Maxie said...

I guess the fact that we only have 2 more days in the week, lol.

Anonymous said...

this post made me all shades of feelgood, michelle. i loved it!

it's so funny how this lovely blogging community of ours works. when i read something more serious, or sad, or angry - i want to be like, grrr, me too! let's vent! i feel ya!

and then when i read something like this - happy and encouraging and celebrating life for all of its simple happiness - i just feel so good. i smile. i say, yeah! me too! there's stuff i am so happy about - like how my boyfriend and i? we're totally making each other happy even though both of us are dealing with some awfulness at work (and this is a first for me - a relationship that is an escape of goodness when the rest of life is awful!). and project runway is on right now. and flight of the conchords season dvds are on their way to me via netflix.

and? i'm so thankful for this post =) you are wonderful, my dear.

Stephanie said...

Yay for happy posts! My happy post was yesterday. To make things even happier, tomorrow is Thursday!

Unknown said...

when my sick little kitten insisted on sleeping right next to me almost all ngiht, at my neck, and gave me a weak little "meow" when i said i loved him.

:( i mean, id id smile, but i still feel horrible for him.

Charm City Kim said...

My husband bought me flowers yesterday for no apparent reason. That's what's making me smile today. :-)

graffiti.girl.designs said...

pandora rocks. today fresh strawberries in my cereal made me happy!

Anonymous said...

Well, I was sick yesterday (Wed), but getting to sleep on my couch and watch all the glorious tv I wanted made me pretty damn happy!

Princess Pointful said...

I had a bubble bath with my guy, which is becoming the best routine ever.

mcgee said...

sounds like you had a good day. =)

sorry for being absent from commenting lately! work and illness are bringing me down...

Sara said...

Your post is a good one! I'm late, but, it's been really mild weather here, that put a smile on my face. :)

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the credit!

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the credit!

Kristie said...

I'm a tad late. More like almost a week late, but better late than never.

Today I smiled because when I dropped Jackson off at the babysitter's house, he waved at me and smiled and looked so adorable.