Friday, January 11, 2008

National DeLurking Week

Word on the street is it's National Delurking Week the second week in January every year. I already know I have wonderful readers out there (thanks for all of your hair suggestions yesterday by the way - you guys are awesome!), but for those of you who don't comment I'd like to get to know you too!

Everyone reading leave a comment on this post and say hi! Make sure to link your blog if you have one so that I can make a return visit over the weekend while I play blog catch-up. I promise to visit each and every one of you, that's how much I care :)

To make commenting easier, here is a question to answer:
Who is your favorite artist? It can be a fine artist, designer, photographer, architect, musician, anyone who is creative and inspires you. Link to some of their work if you can so I can see what they do. And if you can't think of anyone - just say hi! ;)

Here are my 2 favorite artists of all time (the pictures of their work is from each artist's website):

William Wegman
(fabulous photographer who usually photographs his Weimaraner dogs)

Dale Chihuly
(mainly does glass work, his Fiori/garden style pieces are my favorite)


recovering overachiever said...

I love Wegman! The boyfriend have already decided that we want a weimaraner once we have a house big enough!

Anonymous said...


i love chihuly! my faves are hard to narrow down, but i love rothko quite a bit.

Lisa said...

I'm not exactly delurking... since you obvi know I'm here.
Fave artist: my friend Meags.

Le Petit Chic said...

Oh, wow...I've never seen Wegman's work until this post. I'll have to check him out some more!
I'm not really sure who my favorite artist is...I do love Lisa Loeb. Her lyrics are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love impressionists. My favorite being Degas, my second being Monet.

marisa rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marisa rose said...

I heart Cindy Sherman. She takes the best self portraits.

Anonymous said...

obviously not a lurker, favorite artist is Jeff Tweedy (lead singer of Wilco). His words are pure poetry.

email said...

I really like Wegman. Also like Annie Leibovitz. I'd love to be able to take pictures like that.

Nilsa S. said...

Dale Chihuly definitely rocks - he did a great installation at the Garfield Conservatory in Chicago.

My favorite artists tend to be the unknowns. We just bought a piece from Laura Sue Peters, who sells her work on Etsy (

And I bought a piece of work from Allie Spicer a few years ago (

Jess said...

I have a lot of photographers that I love, but I will link you to the website of my favorite artist I know personally, my old photography professor, Fraser Stables.

Clink said...

I'm going to go with my favorite photographer - Richard Avedon. Mario Testino, too.

Annie said...

My Mom is my favorite artist. She's an outstanding painter, meticulous costume maker and excellent photographer. But she's soooo shy about her work. She prefers to keep it to herself, except for the costumes she makes me whenever I need one. I, unfortunately, inherited no artistic talent. I can take a picture, but not like she can.

graffiti.girl.designs said...

ohmygosh - i have too many....can't pick....

B said...

So.. I'm not a lurker, but you know this. ;)

I did want to say hi, though!

Oooh, favorite artist??

Hmm.. I'm not sure I can pick. My favorite type of art is music, and I've got a plethora of favorites making it difficult to choose. For this moment in time, I'll go with a tie between Radiohead & Sia. Yeah. That.

Tina Poe said...

I never lurk! I cannot chose JUST one artist that is my favorite, this question is too hard!

Anonymous said...

Mary Engelbreit. Have loved her since I was a kid. Happy weekend!

Susie said...

I recently became obsessed with Eric Piasecki...He's a photographer for Martha Stewart Living, Elle Decor, and more. He always seems to get amazing shots and makes me want to move into whatever house he happens to be photographing, without fail! said...

Wegman's work is always so wonderful to see! I'd have to say my two favorite artists are Renoir & Magritte, though. The first has such amazing use of color and his subjects are beautiful, and I think Magritte's works are fascinating.

L Sass said...

I'm not a lurker, but I did go to Dale Chihuly's alma mater! We had Chihuly pieces all over campus.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! Narrow it down? That's the tough one. Well, here are my two favourite artists:

Almost Amy, Musicians ( An awesome band with a bluesy-rock-funk sound fronted by Mark Ballas and Derek Hough.

Mary Cassat, Impressionist Artist. She was one of the few women impressionist painters in a decidedly man's world. I love her women and children paintings, especially 'Breakfast in Bed':

The Smarter Princess said...

I'm a recovering lurker!

I adore Marc Chagall <3

Fried Hair Girl said...

those are both great. i've never heard of them but i'm more of a "goofy art" lover.

check these out!

Lisa said...

Totally not a lurker and I cannot pick just one artist, but sending mad blog love anyway.

Anonymous said...

not a lurker. sending soem mad blog your way, and hope you havea mappy weekend.

oh- and artist- monet. definitely monet.

Anonymous said...

that was supposed to read mad blog love, but i can't type. which we both already know.

....and a happy weeekend. wow. i need to step away from the keyboard.


Anonymous said...

I love Jack White. I think he is a great musician. I don't know if you have seen either of his bands live but that is where he shines. I love the improvisation and that a song is never the same twice.

My favorite painter is Salvador Dali.

Have a great weekend!

Niki Nielsen said...

I'm loving Kory Fluckiger at the moment, a local watercolor artist here in Utah.

mcgee said...

HI! and happy weekend. =)

i can't think of any favorites right now, but i'm really loving your two picks!

Tara said...

A Chihuly exhibit came to the St. Louis Botanical Gardens last year (or the year before...can't remember. I didn't get to see it, but I saw pics from someone who went. It was amazing!

Trish Ryan said...

I love the watercolors of painter W. Robert Paine, and the music of Nicole Nordeman.

Yoda said...

Hi! I think you know me ;-)

My favorite artist is Leonardo da Vinci ... I'm sure you've heard of him ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my God... Dale Chihuly HAUNTS me! Really! Everywhere I go, there's his glass. It's lovely, but frightening sometimes! Actually, it was probably there all along, but I only became aware of him a couple of years ago when we went to his exhibit in the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. It was gorgeous and amazing, and THEN he started haunting me!

Do you know, I honestly don't know that I have a "favorite" artist. Isn't that sad? I really need to cultivate that. However, I do have a favorite style. I love the Dutch paintings from the 1600s with their crisp, clear lines, amazing realism and the amazing light. Rembrandt, Vermeer... those guys!

Banana said...

I love Dale Chihuly as well - his Seattle Studio is across from a restaurant I used to wait tables at. He is a crazy, crazy man, but most incredible artists are, aren't they?

Unknown said...

I have commented you a few times, I love your blog. Thanks for visiting mine too!

Shannon said...

Delurking...I love Chihuly...he's awesome. I enjoy reading your posts too!

Katelin said...

I love the Dale Chihuly piece, that's amazing. One of my favorite artists is Ann Taintor('s hilarious.

Virginia said...

I adore Ansel Adams and Monet and Degas and about a million other artists...I don't think I can choose a favorite! William Wegman is awesome too. Did you go to his exhibit here in town? I totally forgot about it, I'm so bummed.

Sara said...

I'm here, hiiiiiiiiiii! :)

Favorites: Both of my daughters, my mom and Monet. :)

3carnations said...

Hi - First time here, from Stacey. I wanted to read about you eating like a 5th grader. :)

Miriam D said...

I'm pretty sure I've commented here before...

Um, I spent like 10 minutes deciding what my answer to your question was going to be. And I still can't decide. I'm so indecisive.

j said...

I'm a Dali fan. I want a wall-sized poster of The Elephants. For now I have settled for a normal poster size..

Wegman is wonderful, met him and the dogs and they're all so well-trained. The dogs, I mean.



Jamie Lovely said...

Not delurking, just commenting!

Melody said...

Hi! My favorite has to be Dali, although I do like other stuff too, :)

Maria said...

michelle! love your blog. thanks for the comment!

each of the two said...

god there are too many!

for lighting: Rembrant, nobody does it better.
im also in love with:
Braque.... I could go on forever,

but hands down without questions: Caravaggio!

PrincessPolly said...

I'm not really into art, and all these comments are putting me to shame. I'm off to hang my head . . . :(

ANA said...

My favorite's Salvador Dali, I find his work so inspirational, pity I still haven't found my melting clocks.

Samantha said...

Hi hi!!! XOXO

Didn't get a chance to comment on the last post, but I wanted to say that you look absolutely lovely with red hair and it brings out your pretty blue eyes :) (oh and alot of people say I look like Kate Walsh too, I don't know what that's all about but I'll take it as a compliment just as you should!) XOXO

Anonymous said...

Hi! I *think* I've commented before, but perhaps I'm just making that up...

And my favorite artist? Changes day to day, hour to hour, etc etc. But if forced to choose, as cliched as it is, I'd go with Ansel Adams, I think

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Greg Colbert...He did the Ashes and Snow exhibit and his work is beautiful and inspiring.

Passionista said...

Well, I really love Salvador Dali. There are plenty of artists out there that I admire, but I could honestly stare at one of his masterpieces for HOURS. Great question!

AP said...

hi! and I totall love Dale Chihuly too! he created an amazing piece that is in the Gonda Building at Mayo Clinic in Rochester,MN. Beautiful!

anyways... my fav 'artist' is designer Marc Jacobs. I think he has practical pieces for everyday life that are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Good question. Hmm. I guess I'll share a recent discovery, We stumbled upon his work at a local street fair. The picture on the home page is our favorite (fallen soldiers, I believe).

NWO said...

Hi Michelle. What I want to know is: What are you learning in How to Date Men?. There's got to be some good laughs in an advice book like that.

Princess Pointful said...

I love the colours in Emily Carr's work.
Musically, it is hard to say just one. My best new discovery is Bat for Lashes. Download Priscilla. So beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to choose in terms of actual art. I love different styles, and I'm more of the "Oh...let's see what else there is," mindset than "ZOOM!" I love photography more than anything though.

However, musically? Guster and Frou Frou tend to blow me away with their lyrics.

Anonymous said...

I always forget delurking week! Darn!
Oh well, you know I'm a reader but I need to comment more (I'm sorry!) I promise to make up for it in the new year.
And ps? I looooove William Wegman. I've been dying to get a Weimaraner for years.

Anonymous said...

Hapopy day! I love... anything my kidlets make. :)

the infertile turtle said...

hiya, it's not really de-lurking since I have commented here many times already, but I'll play along anyway! I adore Monet. And Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata may be the most hauntingly beautiful piece of music I've ever heard.

Angela said...

Wow, you sure know how to pick the tough questions! My faves change pretty often, so I'm just going to stick with saying hi.

Anonymous said...

Choosing just one is hard. John Singer Sargent

Elizabeth said...

*waves* I just found you on google reader as one of my recomendations. I read the last 4 or so blog entries and liked what I had read and what a perfect time to say hello.

I'm terribly ignorant of the art world and all of that, so I'll go with music. I'm very much in love with The Weepies right now, they are a new find for me. But my absolute favorite band is Guster. They are a rock band that is mostly known on the east coast (I live in oregon, grew up in las vegas) and they have great lyrics..and bongos!

my blog is Successfully Underachieving

Karine said...

Beautiful blog!
You're very creative!


Karine said...

Beautiful blog!
You're very creative!


Anonymous said...

i like anne geddes! her photos are super adorable!

Stephanie said...

Hi! Definitely not a lurker, just wanted to say hello! And I LOVE those dog photos. Makes me want a dog more than I already do (which is a LOT).

k said...

wegman freaks me out. especially when the dogs have human hands. i enjoy chihuly. i love that it's pronounced "chi-looly." or at least that's what i've heard.
i love this painting, and this building

Vanessa said...

I love Wegman. But really? Weimaraners are crazed dogs. I could never own one. NEVER!

Great, because Karma loves me so much now that I typed that, guess what kind of dog the man of my dreams will have? Go ahead, say it. I know, I know.

Kristie said...

I love Yoshitomo Nara.

Anonymous said...

Love Chihuly!! Love love love him! Also a fan of Picasso. xox

Anna said...

Hi! Not really delurking, but you know.

I love me some photographers, esp.

Maile at the Daily Relish.
Check her out!

erin said...

i love pedro almodovar (spanish born film director). love love love love.

would love to meet him but he doesn't really speak english so i don't think we'd have much to talk about.

Dolce said...

Dale Chihuly did an 8 month show at the botanical gardens last year and it was amazing. Picture don't give his work justice.